5 martie 2012


Roland Berger Strategy Consultants is organizing, on April 20-21, 2012, the seventh edition of its most important recruiting event, Case Study Challenge. This year’s edition stands under the mark of our 20 year anniversary in Romania.

As every year, the event will give a number of talented and motivated students the chance to experience the everyday challenges and rewards of management consulting. This year, we’ll step up the challenge by expanding the competition’s geographic scope. We invite students from Bulgaria to join local talent in an intense race to solve a real business riddle, testing competitors’ analytic finesse, team spirit and leadership potential.

Our consultants will be there to coach and guide the students through the case. The stakes are high: best-in-class contestants will be invited to join us for a two-month internship.

For 20 years, we have been shaping the Romanian business environment, living by our values of excellence, partnership and entrepreneurship. We know that excellence builds on outstanding challenges. So take on a worthy challenge: Case Study Challenge!

Find out more and apply on challenge.rolandberger.ro by March 25th, 2012.

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